Saturday, November 28, 2009

S Ta R Presentation

The Texas STaR Chart presentation describes the survey and it's purpose. The four performance evlauation areas are discussed and a three year summary of Huffman ISD's results is reviewed.


  1. Hi Tanna!
    Great job on your PowerPoint presentation. I liked how you broke down each of the four areas and added some detail on each slide. I also like the picture you uploaded to your blog. It's nice to be able to put a face to a name that you see appearing throughout the discussion boards.

  2. Tanna,
    Well done on your PowerPoint! I thought it was very easy to understand with the breakdown in the four areas. I feel my school is along the same progress levels as yours, especially in Educator Preparation and Development. Also, I liked how you presented the past 3 years in a graph format, makes it very easy for someone to see your schools scores.
