Friday, July 16, 2010

What I have learned about action research.

I have learned that action research is more interactive and reflective that traditional research practices. It came about following traditional research practices and is done by those directly involved in the daily inter workings of a school or classroom. It started as professional development for teachers and has grown to include administrators. When administrators facilitate action research with their teachers they must first lay a foundation. This starts with a strong collaboratively developed vision in which all decisions and actions can be measured against. All participants must also make an intentional commitment to making inquiry and research part of their daily activities as well as purposefully schedule time in their day to practice inquiry and reflection each week by reading an article from an educational journal, gathering new information or reflectively writing. Action research is a very valuable practice in educator and administrator professional development and requires continual inquiry, reflection and taking action to. Part of action research is a commitment to reflect on one's own practice and make intentional efforts to change as a result of one's reflection and research findings. Action research can be done as part of a leadership preparation program, district administrative meetings, in professional learning communities an in leadership teams. Participating in action research draws classmates/colleagues together as they interact with each other, offer thoughts and opinions to other's inquiry and go through the action research process together.
I think that once I complete this process and learn the skill set necessary to effectively engage in action research I will incorporate it into my administrative practice as often as possible. I believe it will benefit me in my own personal growth and development. As a "green" administrator I will rely on the experience and expertise of those more seasoned administrators to learn the "tools of the trade" however I believe that I will be doing my own research as well as reflection to gain better insight and develop my own leadership style. When faced with dilemmas or my own wonderings I know that I will use the process of action research to find solutions.

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