Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Action Draft Plan

1. To decrease the necessity for disciplinary actions by establishing more effective consequences.
2. To individualize discipline yet remain fair.
3. Restructure ISS to better support student’s academic performance.

1. Create a Discipline Review Committee consisting of the ISS instructors, myself and interested teachers.

Person(s) Responsible:
Tanna Padgett
Mr. Flowers

Last week of August

Needed Resources:
Sign-up sheet posted in workroom

Those interested will sign-up to participate. The more interested parties the hotter the topic might be in my opinion.

2. Examine office referrals and look for patterns and repeat offenders

Person(s) Responsible
Tanna Padgett
Committee members

Last week of August.

Needed Resources:
Access to office referrals from the previous years. To be accessed through Mr. Flowers.
Findings typed using Microsoft Word.

Finding repeat offenders serves as a basis for necessary review of current practices.

3. Interview teachers and administrators to ascertain how they document student behavior and actions taken.

Person(s) Responsible
Tanna Padgett
Administrator (Mr. Flowers)
Teachers (to be determined)
Committee Members

First week of September.

Needed Resources:
Interview questions typed by myself using Microsoft Word.
Teachers and administrators willing to be interviewed.
Time to converse with various teachers and with the administrator.
Answers typed using Microsoft Word.

Different documentation practices.

4. Examine samples of documentation.

Person(s) Responsible:
Tanna Padgett
Committee members

First week of September.

Needed Resources:
Access to documentation from teachers and administrators.
Findings and Conclusions typed using Microsoft Word.

Actual documentation. Is it sufficient? Can it be more consistent and streamlined?

5. Examine current handbook and disciplinary policies to become familiar with them.

Person(s) Responsible
Tanna Padgett
Committee Members.

Second week of September.

Needed Resources:
Access to disciplinary policies and current handbook gained from Mr. Flowers.
Reflection typed using Microsoft Word.

Current policies and practices.

6. Search the Internet for literature regarding alternate disciplinary techniques

Person(s) Responsible:
Tanna Padgett
Committee Members

Third week of September.

Needed Resources:
Internet access.
Findings recorded using Microsoft Word.

Do we have the resources to implement alternate disciplinary techniques suggested by our literature search?

7. Interview teachers to gain insight regarding their opinions of current policies and solicit suggestions for improvement and individualization.

Person(s) Responsible:
Tanna Padgett
Teachers (to be determined)
Committee members

Fourth week of September.

Needed Resources:
Interview questions typed using Microsoft Word.
Willing teachers and time to converse with various teachers.
Responses and suggestions typed using Microsoft Word.

Teacher responses.
Teacher suggestions – Are they feasible? Do we have the resources to accomplish what is suggested?

8. Examine grades of students that have had an ISS placement.

Person(s) Responsible:
Tanna Padgett
Committee Members.

First week of October

Needed Resources:
Access to student’s grades that had ISS placements in the previous years gained from Mr. Flowers.
Findings and conclusions typed using Microsoft Word.

Do students’ grades decline while placed in ISS?

9. Search for information regarding the effects of ISS on student performance.

Person(s) Responsible:
Tanna Padgett
Committee Members

Second week of October.

Needed Resources:
Internet access.
Findings recorded using Microsoft Word.

Does what the literature suggest support what we see in student performance at our campus?

10 Interview ISS instructors to determine instructional needs.

Person(s) Responsible:
Tanna Padgett
ISS instructors (to be determined)
Committee members

Third week of October.

Needed Resources:
Interview questions typed using Microsoft Word.
ISS instructors willing to discuss needs.
Time to converse with ISS instructors.
Responses typed using Microsoft Word.

ISS instructor responses – can we accommodate their needs? How?
Do we have the resources for their needs?

11 Interview teachers, administrators and ISS instructors to gain insight to the communication problem.

Person(s) Responsible:
Tanna Padgett
Mr. Flowers
ISS Instructors (to be determined).
Committee Members

Third week of October.

Needed Resources:
Interview questions typed using Microsoft Word.
Willing teachers, administrator, and ISS instructors and time to converse with each stakeholder individually.
Responses typed using Microsoft Word.

What prevents effective and timely communication at each interval?
How do we improve communication?

12. Survey students, teachers, administrators, ISS instructors regarding ISS placement, needs, and improvements.

Person(s) Responsible:
Tanna Padgett
Mr. Flowers
Teachers (to be determined)
ISS instructors (to be determined)
Students (to be determined).
Committee Members

Fourth week of October.

Needed Resources:
A survey developed by myself using Word.
Possible reference material:
Fowler’s Survey Research Methods (2002)
Czaja and Blair’s Designing Surveys; A Guide to Decisions and Procedures (2005)
Students, teachers, administrators, and ISS instructors willing to participate.

Results of the survey.
What does the survey reveal to the committee regarding needs? Improvements?

13 Compile and examine data collected from surveys.

Person(s) Responsible:
Tanna Padgett
Committee Members

First week of November.

Needed Resources:
Completed surveys.
Excel to organize results.
Word to verbalize findings and conclusions.

Survey results.
How can we begin to make improvements and ensure needs are met?

14 Present findings and make suggestions to administrators based on research.

Person(s) Responsible:
Tanna Padgett
Mr. Flowers
Committee Members

Third week of November.

Needed Resources:
Power point presentation prepared by myself.
Findings and conclusions typed using Microsoft Word.
Appointment with Mr. Flowers

Did our inquiry reveal necessity for change?
Can we make recommended improvements?

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